“There’s nothing more I loved to be doing than watch my daughter Breanna dance,” said Jesus Vergara, the father of 11-year-old dancer Breanna Vergara. Heartfelt words from a heartbroken man, as CBS New Miami reports the story of Jesus' love being taken from him suddenly. His daughter Breanna, sprite and full of life, had tragically collapsed at her local dance studio due to a heart condition her parents weren't even aware that she had. What they ultimately found out was that a simple EKG could have detected this disorder, and ultimately saved her life.
Now the parents are speaking out in a proactive effort to inform parents about the importance of having an EKG test administered to their children. They don't want another family to go through the heartache they just went through, and feel that the more people hear about Breanna's story, the more kids could be potentially saved by it. If you want to help spread the Vergara's message, please share this powerful story.