If you have kids, you may have gone to a few school talent shows before. We love watching our kids perform whatever act they've practiced, and we love it when other people are impressed by our kids. However, you have to admit - when it comes to other people's children, it's harder to be impressed.
That's why I was blown away when I saw this young girl perform a cover of Beyonce's song "Listen." Holy Moly. She absolutely shreds it! I can't imagine being a parent at this talent show and being shaken to life by this young girl's incredible voice.
I'd hate to be whoever has to follow her! We'll have to make sure to keep our eyes on this young star; chances are in a few years she'll be on the cover of a best-selling album. If this girl was on America's Got Talent, I'd be willing to be a whole lot of money that she'd take the grand prize!
One this is for sure: I'd hate to be the kid that has to follow her in the talent show...tough break! Have you ever gone to a kid's talent show where someone stole the show? Let us know your story in the comments below! As always, make sure to share this video with your friends on Facebook!