Man Spots Dog On Side Of The Road With Mouth And Legs Taped Together

An uneventful trip to the car dealership turned into a day Colorado resident Carl Allen will not soon forget. When Mr. Allen's keen eye spotted a German shepherd in distress on the side of the road, there was no way he could be prepared for the scene that lay before him. He approached the canine and noticed that his mouth had been taped shut, his legs taped together, and his survival in jeopardy.

Another witness pulled over to help Carl remove the tape, and ultimately get the dog to Denver Animal Protection. There's no question that Carl's actions that day saved the dog's life, but it's appalling that he had to react in the first place. Let us know what you thought of Carl Allen's actions, and what you think an appropriate punishment would be if they ever find who did this to that poor dog.

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