Tenant Discovers Stranger Living In His Apartment
When Joe Cummings realized that food seemed to be vanishing from his apartment, he did what any sane person would do - he confronted his girlfriend. But when she claimed to having nothing to do with it, Joe decided to get to the bottom of it. To solve the mystery of the disappearing food, Joe set up a hidden camera in his apartment to record all activity in his living space.

When Joe played the tape back he was met with a pretty terrifying discovery. A woman appeared to be living in a little storage room/loft in the apartment, coming down in the nighttime to take his food and relieve herself. Cummings immediately left the apartment and called the police off, who hauled the unnamed woman away. Authorities said she must have been staying there for at least a couple weeks, and must have entered the building from a nearby window. They also stated that this wasn't the first time something like this had happened. Pretty unnerving, huh? What would you do in a situation like this? Let us know your thoughts and opinions on this video and be sure to share it on Facebook. 

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