Los Angeles-based Christy O'Donnell, 46, is a single mom, former cop, and a practicing attorney. Sadly, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer (Stage IV lung adenocarcinoma) that had already spread to her brain. She discovered this when she was attempting to read legal documents but couldn't make out what every third or fourth letter actually meant. In this video, she shares with us her thoughts that's affecting her last few days, specifically regarding the end-of-life options.
Doctors tell her she will die "drowning in her own fluids." Christy hopes to push for a Death with Dignity law in the state of California, so she can die on her own terms. Christy says, "I think it's a terrible injustice that I don't have the choice to die in the manner I want to and instead that I'm forced to very likely die in protracted pain and I might even die alone."
Watch the video below and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.