Shelby Magnani was experiencing incredible pain in her sides, so she went to the doctor to see what was wrong. Imagine her surprise when the doctor told her she was six months pregnant! What the mother learned next was somehow even more remarkable. She was pregnant with not only one but two babies! Not only that, but the little ones were mono-amniotic, meaning the babies shared the same amnionic sac. Normally this is a huge problem, because there's a large chance that one of the babies will have major medical issues and die.
Luckily, that was not the case. The twins were born and are alive and well!
In case you're wondering how a woman could be 6 months pregnant and not know it, it's not entirely unheard of. Earlier this year, a woman in Massachusetts found out she was pregnant only
one hour before giving birth. I can't imagine how, but apparently it happens!