911 Dispatcher Goes Against The Rules Of His Job In Order To Save A Boy's Life 

Every mother's worst nightmare came to life when one-year-old Aidan Walker suffered a seizure while napping with his grandmother, Cheri Grable. Walker's mother Melissa Grable rushed to call 911; the phone conversation recorded in this video reveals just how frantic Melissa was while telling the 911 dispatcher what had happened. At one point during the conversation, Melissa says, "He's not breathing, he's turning purple." I can't imagine the amount of distress a mother would feel watching these events unfold before her eyes with no idea of what to do. Lucky for the Grables, they were connected to the right 911 dispatcher that day. 

Tim Webb is the name of the dispatcher who received the call about Walker, and he knew his only chance of saving the little boy was to walk Melissa through giving CPR to her son. The news report explains why this decision of Webb's was such an important one. The Grables will be forever grateful for Webb's decision that day on the phone as it saved little Walker's life. 

It's hard to imagine how we'd react when distressing events like the one in this video happen. I don't look forward to experiencing the panic of such situations, but I know that they can't always be avoided. In the past when I've had stressful events come about abruptly I try to read the situation as best I can and mentally weigh the outcome of the possible responses I can have. In scenarios similar to Walker's, every second counts, so it's not only important to act smartly, but also to act quickly, which is exactly what Webb did and it made a world of difference. 

Watch the video below and then share your thoughts with SFG in the comments section. 

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