A Radio Show Surprises This Mom After Her Son Passed Away

After losing her son to a tragic work accident, a local radio station plays one of the most heartwarming 'pranks' I've ever seen. It all starts with a seemingly normal drive in the car.

Michelle was in the car with her family as the DJs began announcing that they were going to give one of their listeners an amazing gift. After doling out very specific details (including the color of shirt she was wearing), Michelle slowly realizes that the surprise was for her. Her son Blaine had recently died in a freak accident at work, so the radio station decided to help her get back on her feet. The video below shows the true power that the gift of giving can have on an entire family. What did you think of what the station did for Michelle and her family? Spread the word if you believe in the impact of charitable acts such as this one. 

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