Grateful Citizens Give Back To Guardian Angel
A figure known as the "San Diego Highwayman" has gained prestige as being a guardian angel of the road. Since 1966, according to the L.A. Times, Thomas Weller has spent his days driving his '55 Ford wagon on San Diego freeways looking for broken-down cars. When Weller finds someone in need — drivers who may have run out of gas or popped a tire — he pulls over and gives his assistance. 

Remarkably, Weller won't accept any money for his services. His generous nature stems from an accident he was involved in when he was 16 years old. In a documentary produced by Foster Visuals, Weller says he was stuck in a snowbank and pulled out by a good Samaritan who refused to accept money.

Since then, the Highwayman has been trying to pay the good deed forward by helping as many people as he can along the way. Weller always hands a card to the people he helps that says, "Assisting you has been my pleasure. Pass on the favor by helping someone in distress that you may encounter."

Unfortunately in 2011, Weller hit a snag when his trademark wagon "Beulah" was totaled in an accident. The car was garaged. In the Foster Visuals video, Weller confides that when Beulah died, it was like a close friend had passed on. "I miss Beulah," says Weller in the video. "It was like a part of me was killed as well."

The man behind the Foster Visuals documentary, Brent Foster, set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds for Beulah's repairs. In a few short months, over $10,000 was raised. In June, a man named Rick Moore heard Weller on the radio and offered to fix Beulah out of his own pocket. According to ABC 10 San Diego, Moore spent over $18,000 to fix Beulah. 

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