Middle School Basketball Player Gets A Tearjerking Surprise 

When middle schooler Derrick Sellers took the free-throw line during a basketball game, he thought it was just like any other time he's had to shoot. Little did he know, a huge surprise was standing right behind him as he took his second shot. Derrick's mother Lt. Col. Cotina Jenkins-Sellers had just returned home after being away for eight months and she wanted to give her son a big surprise. 

With the help of Derrick's middle school, Cotina was able to coordinate with the game referees to call a fake technical foul on the opposing team's coach, and have Derrick take the technical shots. This set-up provided Cotina the perfect entrance to surprise her son. As soon as Derrick turns around after hearing a voice behind him, he completely loses it. His reaction is enough to make you cry along with him when you see how overjoyed he is at the sight of his mother. 

Watch the beautiful moment and share your thoughts with us in the comments. 

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