Despite being a mother of four, Kimberly Henderson has an incredible build. In fact, she is often complimented about her "perfect" body- Not in the genuinely "I'm so happy for you" way, but in the "I wish I were like you... I hate my body!" sort of way. Seeing how much insecurity women had surrounding their bodies, she decided to show everyone just what "perfect" meant.
What she reveals is the reality of motherhood and of life. Though she still works out regularly, she knows she won't get back the rock solid abs she had before her first child. But therein lies her new definition of perfect. It is not the airbrushed models we see in magazines, but a body with all it's battle scars and reminders of the path that you have taken.
Her post has inspired both men and women to speak out in support of women's natural bodies and to accept their own "imperfections."